這次的亞式選擇權定價實作,要在各種數學式的代換中對於細節的準確地掌握,著實花了我不少時間,不過藉由這次實作讓我對選擇權的訂價有更細部的認識 : )
一、問題描述:American-style Asian single-barrier up-and-out calls Pricing
Write a program to price American-style Asian single-barrier up-and-out calls based on the CRR binomial tree.
The payoff of this call at expiration date is max(average - X, 0) if the running average never touches or penetrates the barrier and 0 if otherwise.
Note also that the call may be exercised at any time before the expiration date due to its American-style characteristic.
- S (stock price at time 0),
- X (strike price),
- H (barrier, which is higher than S),
- t (maturity in years),
- s (%) (annual volatility),
- r (%) (continuously compounded annual interest rate),
- n (number of periods), and
- k (number of states per node).
For example, when
S = 100, X = 80, H = 130, t = 1 (years), s = 30%, r = 10%, n = 100, and k = 300,
the price is about 25.6562.
g++ asian_pricing.cpp -o asian_pricing.o
測資會讀取 test.txt , 預設測資如下
100 80 130 1 0.3 0.1 100 300
即會得到 American-style Asian single-barrier up-and-out calls Price
1. Binomial Tree 與 Black-Scholes Model
下面是 Binomial Tree 與 Black-Scholes Model 參數間的對應關係
- Black-Scholes formula needs 5 parameters : S, X, σ, τ, and r.
- Binomial tree algorithms take 6 inputs : S, X, u, d, rˆ, and n.
The connections are :
and pseudo probability is :
2. Create Running Average Tree with Interpolation
為了求亞式選擇權裡的標的物平均價格,在 binomal tree 中的每個節點存 k 個 state (測資為300),每一個 state 用該節點可能產生的最大值和最小值去做內插。
而最大值(Amax)、最小值(Amin) 為下面兩個價格路徑和公式除以 j+1個離散時間。
Amax :
Amin :
double ***asianMTree = Create3DArray(node_num, node_num, k+1); for(int j=0; j<node_num; j++){ for(int i=0; i<=j; i++){ for(int m=0; m<=k; m++){ asianMTree[j][i][m] = InterpoStates(j, i, m); } } }
3. Pure Asian Call Pricing
再生成一棵 Price Tree,用 Backward induction 從葉子回推到根節點,每一個state都要做,共四個步驟求 Cu、Cd (用剛剛的Running Average Tree的資訊來內插),再由 Cu、Cd 求出該點的價格 :
a. 求Au (Running Average)
[感覺] 加權平均:像是全班30人平均身高是160 加一個身高170的人 全班身高平均變多少的感覺
b. 求足碼 l
足碼 l 由下列公式求出:
[小心] 對於 l 的例外處理
要找到內插的足碼 l 必須符合下面的條件
if(Au > AvgMax(j+1,i) || (AvgMax(j+1,i)-Au)< 0.0001 ){ Cu = CTree[j+1][i][k]; } else if(Au < AvgMin(j+1,i)){ Cu = CTree[j+1][i][0]; } else{ //Interpolation }
[注意] 在最後一個時間點(leave node)的Cu不用內插,也沒辦法內插,由最單純的 call price 給出
重複此步驟 (所有state都要算) 直到Price Tree樹根,樹根的價格即為亞式選擇權價格,在該節點所有 state 的值會相同!
4. American-style and Single-barrier Issue
如果該點標的物價格碰到barrier (H) 本選擇權直接無效;並因為是美式選擇權,隨時可以履約,因此判斷如下:
if(asianMTree[j][i][m] > H){ CTree[j][i][m] = 0; } else if( americanC > asianC ){ CTree[j][i][m] = americanC; } else{ CTree[j][i][m] = asianC; }
CTree[0][0][0] 即為 American-style Asian single-barrier up-and-out calls Price.
Y.-D. Lyuu - Principles of Financial Computing
wiki - Binomial options pricing model