智慧代理 (intelligent agent)
有限理性 (bounded rationality)
Problem Solving by Search
An important aspect of intelligence is goal-based problem solving. The solution of many problems (e.g. noughts and crosses, timetabling, chess) can be described by finding a sequence of actions that lead to a desirable goal. Each action changes the state and the aim is to find the sequence of actions and states that lead from the initial (start) state to a final (goal) state.
- 狀態集合 : S
- 操作 : O::S ‐> S
- 初始狀態 : s0
- 目標測試 : S ‐> {T,F}
- 路徑花費 : {S,O}* ‐> R
More Definitions for search
- Expand Node : Generate children by applying operators.
- Branching Factor : number of possible operatorsor children at each node.
- Average BF : average BF of all nodes but leaves.
- Fringe or Frontier : nodes waiting to be expanded.
General Search Algorithm
NODES <‐ InitialState
IF NODES is empty THEN RETURN failure.
Node <‐ Get a node from NODES
IF GoalTest(Node) THEN RETURN Node.
NODESMerge( ExpandNode(Node), NODES )
How we Get and Merge the nodes defines the type of search, and affects the search performance.
State Space and a Search Tree
- A State Space and a Search Tree are different
- State Space : represents all states and operators for the problem
- Search Tree : what an algorithm constructs as it solves a search problem
Search Issues
- Quality of the result
- 完備性 (Completeness) : 若有解存在,是否一定找的到
- 最佳性 (optimality) : 是否總是能找到最佳解(最低成本)
- 複雜度 (Complexity)
- 時間複雜度(time complexity) – 總共擴展(生成)多少搜尋樹的節點
- 空間複雜度(space complexity) – 在搜尋時,總共有多少的節點儲存在記憶體中
- Search Control or Strategy
- Which node to get next for expansion?
- Avoid loops?
- Avoid expanding the same node twice? ...